Make way for bicycles, flowers, and carefree afternoons! While most of our region is gearing up for spring, in some of our communities, winter is fighting back with yet another spring snowstorm!
In anticipation of spring, we'd like to share a few spring-themed poems written by third grade students from Grand Junction:
SUMMER DAYS by Iliana M. I'm so excited for summer. Take a dip. I love the nice refreshing feeling. Now I'm finally relaxed. |
Storm by Jenna R. The wind howls. The rain is hard. Its mane is soaked. Though it stands still. Hooves still. Mane still. Now everything is still. |
And for those of you who are planning farther out, CDE is sponsoring a Twice Exceptional Summer Institute on June 4th and 5th in grand Junction! This is designed for educators, administrators, and other school personnel working with twice exceptional students from early childhood through 12th grade. Graduate credit or recertification hours will be available! Register now to save your spot!